DATABASE: Absorption line strengths

Data files and descriptions

Kyuseok Oh

The OSSY database is consist of 6 files in fits format :
(note that objects are sorted in the same order they appear in all fits files)

  1. OSSY_SDSS_parameters.fits  [Download: 36MB] [description]
    : General information describing objects.

  2. OSSY_absorption.fits  [Download: 187MB] [description]
    : Stellar absorption line strengths.

  3. OSSY_emission_flux_errors.fits  [Download: 405MB] [description]
    : Intrinsic emission-line fluxes and errors. The values of Emission line strengths are derived from 'intrinsic' shape of spectra, which is affected by both galactic and internal reddening.

# Name Data Type/Units Line Center(Å) Description
0 SDSS ID string[1] 18-digit
1 VEL_BALMER float[1] / kms-1 Velocity_gas of the Balmer lines
2 VEL_BALMER_E float[1] / kms-1 Velocity_gas_error of the forbidden lines
3 VEL_FORBIDDEN float[1] / kms-1 Velocity_gas of the forbidden lines
4 VEL_FORBIDDEN_E float[1] / kms-1 Velocity_gas_error of the forbidden lines
5 SIG_BALMER float[1] / kms-1 Velocity-dispersion_gas measured in the Balmer lines
6 SIG_BALMER_E float[1] / kms-1 Velocity-dispersion_gas measured in the forbidden lines
7 SIG_FORBIDDEN float[1] / kms-1 Velocity-dispersion_gas measured in the forbidden lines
8 SIG_FORBIDDEN_E float[1] / kms-1 Velocity-dispersion_gas_error measured in the forbidden lines
9 EBV_STAR float[1] E(B-V)_star
10 EBV_GAS float[1] E(B-V)_gas
11 E_EBV_STAR float[1] Error of E(B-V)_star
12 E_EBV_GAS float[1] Error of E(B-V)_gas
13 VEL_STARS float[1] / kms-1 Velocity
14 VEL_STARS_E float[1] / kms-1 Velocity error
15 SIGMA_STARS float[1] / kms-1 Stellar velocity dispersion
16 SIGMA_STARS_E float[1] / kms-1 Stellar velocity dispersion error
17 HeII float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 3203.15 Intrinsic flux(#17 ~ #45)
18 [NeV] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 3345.81
19 [NeV] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 3425.81
20 [OII] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 3726.03
21 [OII] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 3728.73
22 [NeIII] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 3868.69
23 [NeIII] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 3967.40
24 H5 float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 3889.05
25 Hε float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 3970.07
26 Hδ float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 4101.73
27 Hγ float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 4340.46
28 [OIII] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 4363.15
29 [HeII] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 4685.74
30 [ArIV] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 4711.30
31 [ArIV] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 4740.10
32 Hβ float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 4861.32
33 [OIII] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 4958.83
34 [OIII] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 5006.77
35 [NI] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 5197.90
36 [NI] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 5200.39
37 [HeI] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 5875.60
38 [OI] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 6300.20
39 [OI] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 6363.67
40 [NII] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 6547.96
41 Hα float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 6562.80
42 [NII] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 6583.34
43 [SII] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 6716.31
44 [SII] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 6730.68
45 [ArIII] float[1] / 1E-17erg/s/cm2 7135.67
46 HeII float[1] 3203.15 Error of intrinsic flux(#46 ~ #74)
47 [NeV] float[1] 3345.81
48 [NeV] float[1] 3425.81
49 [OII] float[1] 3726.03
50 [OII] float[1] 3728.73
51 [NeIII] float[1] 3868.69
52 [NeIII] float[1] 3967.40
53 H5 float[1] 3889.05
54 Hε float[1] 3970.07
55 Hδ float[1] 4101.73
56 Hγ float[1] 4340.46
57 [OIII] float[1] 4363.15
58 [HeII] float[1] 4685.74
59 [ArIV] float[1] 4711.30
60 [ArIV] float[1] 4740.10
61 Hβ float[1] 4861.32
62 [OIII] float[1] 4958.83
63 [OIII] float[1] 5006.77
64 [NI] float[1] 5197.90
65 [NI] float[1] 5200.39
66 [HeI] float[1] 5875.60
67 [OI] float[1] 6300.20
68 [OI] float[1] 6363.67
69 [NII] float[1] 6547.96
70 Hα float[1] 6562.80
71 [NII] float[1] 6583.34
72 [SII] float[1] 6716.31
73 [SII] float[1] 6730.68
74 [ArIII] float[1] 7135.67