DATABASE: Absorption line strengths
Data files and descriptions
The OSSY database is consist of 6 files in fits format :
(note that objects are sorted in the same order they appear in all fits files)
- OSSY_SDSS_parameters.fits  [Download: 36MB]
: General information describing objects. - OSSY_absorption.fits  [Download: 187MB]
: We corrected our index values for the impact of stellar kinematic broadening as follows,LScorr = LS x LSoptimal⁄LSmodel , where LSoptimal is the values of the indices on the optimal combination of the stellar templates returned by GANDALF fit, LSmodel is the measurements of line strengths on the best stellar model, and LS is the line strengths derived from the 'neat' spectra, that is, the emission-cleaned spectra.
# | Name | Data Type/Units | Description | IndexBandpass(Å) | Pseudocontinua(Å) |
0 | SDSS ID | string[1] | 18-digit | ||
1 | OII | float[1] / Å | HK | 3720.000-3734.000 | 3700.000-3720.000, 3734.000-3754.000 |
2 | HδA | float[1] / Å | Licka | 4083.500-4122.250 | 4140.600-4079.750, 4128.500-4161.000 |
3 | HδF | float[1] / Å | Lick | 4091.000-4112.250 | 4057.250-4088.500, 4114.750-4137.250 |
4 | CN1 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 4142.125-4177.125 | 4080.125-4117.625, 4244.125-4284.125 |
5 | CN2 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 4142.125-4177.125 | 4083.875-4096.375, 4244.125-4284.125 |
6 | Ca4227 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 4222.250-4234.750 | 4211.000-4219.750, 4241.000-4251.000 |
7 | G4300 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 4281.375-4316.375 | 4266.375-4282.625, 4318.875-4335.125 |
8 | HγA | float[1] / Å | Lick | 4319.750-4363.500 | 4283.500-4319.750, 4367.250-4419.750 |
9 | HγF | float[1] / Å | Lick | 4331.250-4352.250 | 4283.500-4319.750, 4354.750-4384.750 |
10 | Fe4383 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 4369.125-4420.375 | 4359.125-4370.375, 4442.875-4455.375 |
11 | Ca4455 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 4452.125-4474.625 | 4445.875-4454.625, 4477.125-4492.125 |
12 | Fe4531 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 4514.250-4559.250 | 4504.250-4514.250, 4560.500-4579.250 |
13 | C4668 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 4634.000-4720.250 | 4611.500-4630.250, 4742.750-4756.500 |
14 | Hβ | float[1] / Å | Lick | 4847.875-4876.625 | 4827.875-4847.875, 4876.625-4891.625 |
15 | HβG | float[1] / Å | Gonzalezb | 4851.320-4871.320 | 4815.000-4845.000, 4880.000-4930.000 |
16 | Fe4930 | float[1] / Å | Gonzalez | 4903.000-4945.500 | 4894.500-4907.000, 4943.750-4954.500 |
17 | OIII1 | float[1] / Å | Gonzalez | 4948.920-4978.920 | 4885.000-4935.000, 5030.000-5070.000 |
18 | OIII2 | float[1] / Å | Gonzalez | 4996.850-5016.850 | 4885.000-4935.000, 5030.000-5070.000 |
19 | Fe5015 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 4977.750-5054.000 | 4946.500-4977.750, 5054.000-5065.250 |
20 | Mg1 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 5069.125-5134.125 | 4895.125-4957.625, 5301.125-5366.125 |
21 | Mg2 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 5154.125-5196.625 | 4895.125-4957.625, 5301.125-5366.125 |
22 | Mgb | float[1] / Å | Lick | 5160.125-5192.625 | 5142.625-5161.375, 5191.375-5206.375 |
23 | Fe5270 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 5245.650-5285.650 | 5233.150-5248.150, 5285.650-5318.150 |
24 | Fe5270S | float[1] / Å | SAURONc | 5256.500-5278.500 | 5233.000-5250.000, 5285.500-5308.000 |
25 | Fe5335 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 5312.125-5352.125 | 5304.625-5315.875, 5353.375-5363.375 |
26 | Fe5406 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 5387.500-5415.000 | 5376.250-5387.500, 5415.000-5425.000 |
27 | Fe5709 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 5696.625-5720.375 | 5672.875-5696.625, 5722.875-5736.625 |
28 | Fe5782 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 5776.625-5796.625 | 5765.375-5775.375, 5797.875-5811.625 |
29 | NaD | float[1] / Å | Lick | 5876.875-5909.375 | 5860.625-5875.625, 5922.125-5948.125 |
30 | TiO1 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 5936.625-5994.125 | 5816.625-5849.125, 6038.625-6103.625 |
31 | TiO2 | float[1] / Å | Lick | 6189.625-6272.125 | 6066.625-6141.625, 6372.625-6415.125 |
     bGonzalez, J. J. 1993, PhD thesis, Univ. California, Santa Cruz
     cKuntschner et al. 2006