DECam Photometric Catalogs of 7 Abell clusters

To generate a photometric catalog for each cluster, we first cross-matched sources from single and combined images within 1″ radius for each band. Then, we combine the two by adding a source from single image if the source is missing from the source catalog of combined image. The reason why we prefer magnitudes from combined images to single images is that: 1) combined images are deeper (see Section 'Depth'), 2) the magnitudes of the sources near CCD boundaries of single images were sometimes inconsistent. Nonetheless, the sources in the crowded regions were deconvolved better from the shallower single images so that could fill the undetected sources from the deep combined images. The final catalog for each cluster contains the reliable extended -band sources having:

We chose the -band sources as our base because the images are most sensitive to the light from galaxies that usually have red, m - m > 0, colors. The final catalog for each cluster contains:

NUMBER (Running object number)
ALPHA_J2000 (Right ascension of barycenter) (J2000) [deg]
DELTA_J2000 (Declination of barycenter) (J2000) [deg]
A_WORLD (Profile RMS along major axis) (world units) [arcsec]
B_WORLD (Profile RMS along minor axis) (world units) [arcsec]
CLASS_STAR (S/G classifier output)
MAG_BEST_u (Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude in u band) [mag]
MAGERR_BEST_u (RMS error for AUTO magnitude in u band) [mag]
MAG_BEST_g (Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude in g band) [mag]
MAGERR_BEST_g (RMS error for AUTO magnitude in g band) [mag]
MAG_BEST_r (Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude in r band) [mag]
MAGERR_BEST_r (RMS error for AUTO magnitude in r band) [mag]
FROM_WHERE_u (Source of MAG_AUTO_u) [0:single, 1:combined, 2:no match]
FROM_WHERE_g (Source of MAG_AUTO_g) [0:single, 1:combined, 2:no match]
FROM_WHERE_r (Source of MAG_AUTO_r) [0:single, 1:combined, 2:no match],

and Table 2 shows top 10 rows of the catalog of A2399 as an example.

Table 2: Example of Photometric catalog of Abell cluster 2399 mosaic
Number R.A. Decl. aa bb CLASS_STARc mu merru mg merrg mr merrr sorc_ud sorc_ge sorc_rf
Note: (a) Profile RMS along major axis [arcsec], (b) Profile RMS along minor axis [arcsec], (c) Star/Galaxy classifier SExtractor output, (d) Source of mu [0:single, 1:combined, 2:no match], (e) Same as (d) but for mg, (f) Same as (d) but for mr<

We matched our photometric catalogs against the catalogs from the large programs in the overlapped region. Figure 4 shows the magnitude difference between our catalog and the cModelMag of Galaxy object from SDSS Data Release (DR) 16. The mlim,1% magnitude cut for SDSS is shown as the dotted orange line. Figure 5 compares our magnitudes to the magnitudes of DECaLS, which are 22.5 - 2.5 log10(flux) for extended sources (type ≠ PSF). We used the Tractor Catalog DR9 for the values of flux in and , and type. Overall, magnitudes agreed with each other besides some offset trends (≾0.1 mag) in Figure 5.

Figure 4: The magnitude comparison between our catalogs and SDSS.
Figure 5: The magnitude comparison between our catalogs and DECaLS.

For more information please refer to Kim et al. (in prep), or

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