DECam Photometric Catalogs of 7 Abell clusters

Optical mosaics in u′, g′, and r′ bands of seven Abell galaxy clusters were taken by Dark Energy Camera (DECam) from April 10th to 11th in 2013 (Proposal ID: 2013A-0612, PI: Y. Sheen) and August 19th to 22nd in 2014 (Proposal ID: 2014B-0608, PI: Y. Jaffé). DECam is mounted at the prime focus of the Blanco 4-m Telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO). DECam features a ∼3 deg2 field of view (FoV) consist- ing of sixty-two 2k × 4k pixel CCDs, with a total of 520 million pixels for each FITS mosaic.

We make use of pipeline-reduced science, weight, and data quality map (DQM) FITS image data of the clusters for both single-exposure and combined mosaics from NOIRLab Astro Data Archive2. Basic information for the clusters and their FITS mosaics is summarized in Table 1 of Kim et al. (in prep). The multiple standard-star fields are also ob- served each observing night and used for the flux calibra- tion. Each field was observed at least twice with enough time intervals to measure the atmospheric extinctions at different airmasses

Example images of the DECam data are on the bottom.

single-exposure (300s) mosaic of A2670 in r band

single-exposure (300s) mosaic of A2670 in r band

stacked (9000s) mosaic of A2670 in r band

stacked (9000s) mosaic of A2670 in r band

For more information please refer to Kim et al. (in prep), or

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