Scripts and relevant files are prepared here in using the KASI cloud for
the KASI KVN-SETI project.
[IMPORTANT] You should setup password variables in the scripts.
The variables are empty now in the script.
Clone this repository to the KASI cloud VMs, and edit the
script depending on your configurations.
In gluster-input, you can find files that can be used
a multi-node Gluster network-shared filesystem as
input data volume.
In gluster-output, the scripts can be used to setup
a single Gluster node that setups a network-shared
filesystem for output data.
In lice, there are multiple scripts to prepare
computing nodes with MPI and Intel libraries.
In code, you can find a compiled DiFX with its
libraries. The binary file mpifxcorr uses several libraries as
checked by the ldd command.
In monitoring, there are files to setup Telegraf clients
in the cloud nodes. You need to edit the script there to access
the Telegraf data collector server.