This page explains how to setup Gluster network filesystems that can be mounted by multiple virtual machines, in particular, MPI(or GNU/parallel) cluster nodes.
If you have questions and suggestions about this tutorial page and related problems, please, contact Min-Su Shin.
Case A: Filesystem with a single Gluster server
Gluster filesystem can be prepared with a single server and its disk space to serve multiple clients. In this case A, we assume that a single Gluster server is made to be used by multiple VMs (virtual machines) included in a cluster.
Step 1. Creating a single VM
Following KASI Science Cloud : VM instances#Step3.CreateaVMinstance, create a single VM with a VM flavor which fits to your requirement such as the required size of the network filesystem. The created single VM will work as a server serving the Gluster filesystem. Since the required memory for the Gluster server is not huge, the recommended flavor is large-CPU + small-memory for a given size of disk.
Step 2. Configuring the Gluster server
On the created VMs, we install the Gluster server program and configure a Gluster filesystem. For your convenience, you can find a shell script that should be executed by root account on the master node. See and the script which is presented below:
#!/bin/bash # Directory serving the Gluster filesystem TARGETDIR="/glusterfs/vol" # Gluster filesystem volume available for clients TARGETVOL="gvol" # Name of the Gluster server VMNAME="test-gl-vm" # Install the server apt install glusterfs-server -y systemctl enable --now glusterd # Information # (optional) #gluster --version #systemctl status glusterd # Prepare the directory mkdir -p ${TARGETDIR} # Produce the Gluster filesystem volume with the above directory gluster volume create ${TARGETVOL} ${VMNAME}:${TARGETDIR} force # Make the volume available gluster volume start ${TARGETVOL} # Information # (optional) #gluster volume info #gluster volume status
Step 3. Mounting the created Gluster filesystemt on client VMs
The created network filesystem can be mounted on client VMs by using mount command with required options. A simple script is available as in the github repository The script, which needs to be executed on the client cluster master node, is given below:
#!/bin/bash # Name of the cluster which defines the clients' names CLUSTERNAME="ml-image" # Last integer index of the minions in the cluster MINIONLASTIND="8" # IP of the Gluster server GLUSTERSERVERIP="" # Name of the Gluster server GLUSTERSERVERNAME="test-gl-vm" # Directory name which is a mount point on clients TARGETDIR="/mnt/gluster" RUNCMD="apt -y install glusterfs-client; echo ${GLUSTERSERVERIP} ${GLUSTERSERVERNAME} >> /etc/hosts;mkdir ${TARGETDIR}; mount -t glusterfs ${GLUSTERSERVERNAME}:/gvol ${TARGETDIR}; chmod -R 777 ${TARGETDIR}" echo "... setuping on ${CLUSTERNAME}-master" echo $RUNCMD | bash for ind in $(seq 0 ${MINIONLASTIND}) do echo "... setuping on ${CLUSTERNAME}-minion-${ind}" ssh ${CLUSTERNAME}-minion-${ind} "${RUNCMD}" done
In the above script, we assume that the filesystem is mounted on multiple VMs created as explained in Deploy Message Passing Interface (MPI) (and/or GNU parallel) cluster.
Case B: Filesystem with multiple Gluster servers (in the form of distributed volumes)
We explain how to setup the Gluster filesystem in the form of distributed volumes by using multiple Gluster servers. As depicted in the following figure and explained in,
there is a type of distrbiuted volume where files are distributed in multiple gluster servers.
Step 1. Creating a basic cluster of VMs
This step is the same as the step 1 of the Case A as explained above.
Step 2. Configuring the Gluster server with multiple bricks on the cluster VMs
The configuration of the Gluster VMs can be done with the provided script on the github repository The script is given below:
Step 3. Mounting the created Gluster filesystem on client VMs
The configuration of the Gluster firesystem affects how the client VMs mount and access the Gluster filesystem. The following script, which is available on the github repository as