This document guides the cloud users how to create a basic Virtual Machine (VM) instance, configure remote access, and attach external datastore.
Step 1. Log in to Cloud Dashboard & External Datastore
- (Fig. 1-1) Log in to Cloud Dashboard with the provided account information
- (Fig. 1-2) Also confirm the same account information works for External Datastore
Fig. 1-1 Cloud Dashboard : | Fig. 1-2 External Datastore (1TB per user) : |
User passwords do NOT synchronize automatically between the two systems, i.e., you should manage the password for each system manually.
Step 2. Import Public Key or Create a Key Pair
- (Fig. 2-1) Go to Project → Compute → Key Pairs of Cloud Dashboard main menu.
- Import the SSH public key (which you pasted to the account sign-up form) or Create another key pair.
- It is recommended to set the Key Pair Name identical to your Cloud username.
Fig. 2-1 Key Pairs |
Step 3. Create a VM instance
(Fig. 3-A) Go to Project → Cluster Infra → KASI Cluster Templates menu.
(Fig. 3-B) Find KASI-SingleVM template and click Lauch Cluster Stack button. Choose Next to go to Launch Cluster menu.
- (Fig. 3-C) Put a Stack Name and the Password for user. Select an OS Image (e.g., ubuntu-20.04-cloudimg), Flavor (e.g., C2M2D20 = 2 CPUs, 2 GB RAM, 20 GB OS drive), Network (default: kasi-user-network), and SSH Keys.
Put a Temporary one-time password for root account, and click Launch button.
WARNING: The intial password may be exposed to other users. You MUST change the password to a secure one right after logging in to the console for the first time.
Fig. 3-A Cluster Template | Fig. 3-B Select KASI-SingleVM Template | Fig. 3-C Launch Cluster |
Step 4. Configure the VM instance for remote desktop & external datastore
(Fig. 4-A) Go to Project → Compute → Instances menu, and check your VM instance is Running in Power State. From the Actions drop-down list, choose Console.
- (Fig. 4-B) Click on the black console screen, and type in root as username and temporary password you set in the previous step.
Change the root password and update the OS. Create a user account (recommended). Install desktop environment and remote desktop server.
(Cmd. 4-1) configure VM instance : remote desktop### Change root password $ passwd ### Update OS $ apt update && apt -y dist-upgrade ### Create a user account (recommended) : adduser {username} $ adduser kasi-user ### Grant sudo privilege to the user : usermod -aG sudo {username} $ usermod -aG sudo kasi-user ### Install dekstop environment (minimal installation is recommended) $ apt -y install xfce4 --no-install-recommends ### Install remote desktop server (RDP) $ apt -y install xrdp ### Reboot $ reboot
(Fig. 4-C) After reboot, log in to the console with the user account, and configure SMB client to mount user's external datastore.
(Cmd. 4-2) configure VM instance : external datastore### Install required pacakges : cifs-utils, smbclient $ sudo apt -y install cifs-utils smbclient ### Create a mount directory $ mkdir NAS ### Mount external datastore : mount.cifs -o rw,uid={user id},gid={group id},username={NAS user} {NAS address} {mount directory} $ sudo mount.cifs -o rw,uid=kasi-user,gid=kasi-user,username=kasi-user // NAS ### For more options : man mount.cifs ### Check if external datastore is mounted and the user has write permission $ df -H ; ls -l ### DO NOT forget to log out $ exit
You can also mount the external datastore to your local desktop as a network drive : e.g., \\\home (Windows file manager, address bar), smb:// (macOS finder, Go → Connect to Server)
WARNING: NEVER leave the console screen logged in. Other users CAN access your console.
Fig. 4-A Find your VM instance | Fig. 4-B First-time console log-in (as root) | Fig. 4-C Complete VM configuration and LOG OUT |
Step 5. Remote access to VM instances via SSH tunneling
Prepare the SSH keys (the same ones you registered in sign-up form). If you want to use another key pair for remote access, e-mail the SSH public key file to Administrator(
- (Fig. 5-A) Go to Project → Compute → Instances menu, and find from the instance list :
- private IP address (e.g., 10.0.X.X) of your VM instance
- public IP address (e.g., 210.219.33.X) of project gateway (e.g., User Project Gateway)
Install Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client software to your local computer, and set up the remote connection.
- (Fig. 5-B) If RDP clients support SSH tunneling – remmina (Linux), MobaXterm (Windows), configure RDP session as follows:
- Remote host address (10.0.X.X) : VM instance private IP (port 3389)
- Remote host username : user account you created (root is NOT recommended)
- SSH gateway address (210.219.33.X) : project gateway public IP (port 7774)
- SSH gateway username : kasi
If RDP clients do not support tunneling – CoRD (Mac), Microsoft Remote Desktop (Mac), create a SSH tunneling port in your local desktop first, and connect through the local tunneling port.
(Cmd. 5-1) create local RDP port for SSH tunnel### SSH tunneling : ssh -i {private key} -N -L {local RDP port}:{VM instance private ip}:{RDP port = 3389} {tunneling id = kasi}@{gateway ip} -p {ssh port = 7774} $ ssh -N -L 12345: kasi@ -p 7774 ### Open RDP connection through localhost:{local RDP port} $ open rdp://localhost:12345
- (Fig. 5-B) If RDP clients support SSH tunneling – remmina (Linux), MobaXterm (Windows), configure RDP session as follows:
- (Fig. 5-C) Connect to the RDP host. If everthing (e.g., desktop environment, external datastore,...) works fine, you're all set.
Fig. 5-A Find public IP of project gateway instance | Fig. 5-B RDP client configuration (MobaXterm) | Fig. 5-C Remote dekstop connected to VM instance |
Step 6. Shut off (or Delete) Instance when you're done
Reminder : User Agreement #1 you signed
KASI Science Cloud is a shared computing infrastructure designed for on-demand requests from many concurrent research projects. Users should not hold unnecessary resources or leave inactive tasks to preoccupy their group's quota.
- Shut off Instance, once your daily activities are over and VM instance is to remain idle :
- by the shell command (e.g., $ sudo poweroff) or
- (Fig. 6-A) by Dashboard action : Shut off Instance from the Actions drop-down list (Project → Compute → Instances menu)
- OS drive of the VM will be saved and can be restarted anytime by choosing Start Instance from the Actions drop-down list.
- Delete Instance, if you do not want to keep the VM's resources anymore :
- (Fig. 6-B) choose Delete Instance from the Actions drop-down list.
- OS drive of the VM will be erased and you have to re-create the VM instance from Step 3 above.
Fig. 6-A Shut off Instance | Fig. 6-B Delete Instances |