In this study (Lee et al. 2019, ApJ, 884, 104; L19b ), we extended the work in L19a out to 15 Mpc, in order to examine if such dynamical coherence is established even in large scales. The Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area (CALIFA) survey data and the NASA-Sloan Atlas (NSA) catalog are used in this work. By combining the IFS information of the 445 CALIFA galaxies and the huge spectroscopic database of about 145,000 NSA galaxies, we built a composite map of the velocity distribution of neighbor galaxies within 15 Mpc from the CALIFA galaxies (Figure 1). Unexpectedly, we found that the dynamical coherence is even detected at least out to 6 Mpc (with 2.8σ statistical significance), as shown in Figure 2. It is an amazing and very mysterious phenomenon, which has never been reported before L19b.
The interpretation of this result is not easy. It is clear that 6 Mpc is too large distance for galaxies to directly interact with each other in such separation. Then, what causes the dynamical coherence in the large scales? Very cautiously, we suggest a scenario, in which the large-scale coherence results from a possible relationship between the long-term motion of a large-scale structure and the rotations of the galaxies in it. If such a motion of a large-scale structure drives the coherent angular momenta of the galaxy-forming proto-clouds in it, the angular momenta will be conserved even after the proto-clouds form galaxies, until they suffer some disturbances from outside like galaxy interactions or merging events. However, further studies both in observations and simulations are required to check possible scenarios and to better understand the origin of this mysterious coherence in large scales.
In the Data page, the basic information and the average dynamics of neighbors are listed for each CALIFA galaxy in our sample.
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a short news article
that highlights our results.