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Time zone examples:
13:00 KST = 00:00 EDT, 04:00 UTC, 06:00 CEST, 09:30 IST, 12:00 CST, 14:00 AEST
15:00 KST = 02:00 EDT, 06:00 UTC, 08:00 CEST, 11:30 IST, 14:00 CST, 16:00 AEST
17:00 KST = 04:00 EDT, 08:00 UTC, 10:00 CEST, 13:30 IST, 16:00 CST, 18:00 AEST
July 7 (Wednesday) Invited Talk Contributed Talk Abstract Presentation File Presentation Video | |||
13:00 - 13:55 KST | Opening (chair : Hyung Mok Lee) | ||
13:00 - 13:05 | Opening | Hyung Mok Lee (Seoul National Univ.) | |
13:05 - 13:15 | Opening Speech | Takaaki Kajita (ICRR) | |
13:15 - 13:25 | Congratutory Remark | In-Soo Yuk (KASI Vice-President) | |
13:25 - 13:55 | Women's Leadership in STEM | Hyo-Suk Lim (KARI, KWSE President) | |
13:55 - 14:10 | Break Time | ||
14:10 - 15:40 KST | LVK Status (chair : Chunglee Kim) | ||
14:10 - 14:25 | KAGRA Status | Hisaaki Shinkai (Osaka Institute of Technology) | |
14:25 - 14:55 | Virgo Status | Raffaele Flaminio (LAPP) | |
14:55 - 15:10 | Status of KAGRA Calibration System Upgrade Toward O4 | Dan Chen (NAOJ) | |
15:10 - 15:25 | On Improving Glitch Classification Performance for Gravitational Wave Detection using Generative Adversarial Networks | Alex P. Leung (MUST) | |
15:25 - 15:40 | Status of KAGRA Cryogenics | Takafumi Ushiba (ICRR) | |
15:40 - 16:00 | Break Time | ||
16:00 - 16:45 KST | Computing / MMA (chair : Ray-Kuang Lee) | ||
16:00 - 16:30 | Multi-Messenger Astronomy Efforts in Korea: GW EM Counterpart Korean Observatory (GECKO) | Myungshin Im (Seoul National Univ.) | |
16:30 - 16:45 | Rapid Generation of Kilonova Light Curves Using Variational Autoencoder | Surojit Saha (NTHU) | |
16:45 - 17:00 | Break Time | ||
17:00 - 18:00 KST | Poster Session (chair : Hisaaki Shinkai) | ||
17:00 - 17:30 | Poster Summary | 2 min talk | |
P1 | Modelling Frequency Domain Inspiral-merger-ringdown Waveforms for Eccentric Binary Black Hole Mergers | Pranav Satheesh (Indian Institute of Technology Madras) | |
P2 | GECKO Optical Follow-up Observation of Three Binary Black Hole Merger Events | Joonho Kim (Seoul National Univ.) | |
P3 | Status of the Frequency Dependent Squeezing Experiment in TAMA | Marc Eisenmann (NAOJ) | |
P4 | Determination of the Laser Power on the Photosensors for the IMC Instrumented Baffle | Alba Romero-Rodriguez (IFAE) | |
P5 | Effects of Lightning Strokes on KAGRA Observatory | Tatsuki Washimi (NAOJ) | |
P6 | Measurement of Internal Stress from KAGRA Sized Sapphire Substrates | Simon Zeidler (Rikkyo Univ.) | |
P7 | Study on an Efficient Template Placement Algorithm for CBC Searches in GW Data | Takashi Kato (ICRR) | |
P8 | A Distinguish Method of Binary Black Hole and Black Hole Encounter Gravitational Waves using Machine Learning | Weichangfeng Guo (Beijing Normal Univ.) | |
P9 | Mass-spin Re-Parameterization for Rapid PE of Inspiral Gravitational-Wave Signals | Eunsub Lee (ICRR) | |
P10 | Deep Generative Models of Gravitational Waveforms via Conditional Autoencoder | Chung-Hao Liao (National Taiwan Normal Univ.) | |
P11 | Optimizing Parameters of Information-Theoretic Correlation Measurement for Multi-Channel Time Series Datasets in Gravitational-Wave Detectors | Piljong Jung (NIMS) | |
17:30 - 18:00 | Poster Discussion @ Slack | ||
July 8 (Thursday) Invited TalkContributed TalkAbstractPresentation FilePresentation Video | |||
11:00 - 12:00 KST | Public Talk (in Korean) (chair : Hyung Mok Lee) | ||
Ten Questions for Gravitational Waves and Outlook | Gungwon Kang (Chung-Ang Univ.) | ||
13:00 - 15:45 KST | Gravitational Wave Science (chair : Zhoujian Cao) | ||
13:00 - 13:30 | Searching for the Giants: Search for Intermediate Mass Black Holes in the 3rd Observing Run of Advanced LIGO-Virgo | Debnandini Mukherjee (Penn State Univ.) | |
13:30 - 14:00 | The Gravitational-Wave Discoveries of Neutron Star - Black Hole Binary Mergers | Tanja Hinderer (Universitet Utrecht) | |
14:00 - 14:15 | Observing Neutron Star-Black Hole Binaries with Gravitational Waves | Leo Tsukada (Penn State Univ.) | |
14:15 - 14:30 | Universe Acceleration by Gravitational Waves Standard Siren and Dark Siren | Rajesh Kumar Dubey (Lovely Professional Univ.) | |
14:30 - 14:45 | Applications of Heun Functions and Regge Theory in Gravitational Wave Astrophysics | Aditya Tamar | |
14:45 - 15:00 | Light Perturbation and Detection of Gravitational Waves via Pulsar Timing Arrays | Dong-Hoon Kim (Seoul National Univ.) | |
15:00 - 15:15 | Gravitational-Wave Constraints on GWTC-2 Events by Measuring Tidal Deformability and Spin-Induced Quadrupole Moment | Tatsuya Narikawa (ICRR) | |
15:15 - 15:30 | Search Sensitivity for Gravitational Waves from Black Hole Capture Events | Michael Ebersold (Univ. of Zurich) | |
15:30 - 15:45 | Probing Diffuse Dark Matter Haloes with Diffractive Lensing of GW | Han Gil Choi (Seoul National Univ.) | |
15:45 - 16:00 | Break Time | ||
16:00 - 18:00 KST | Instrument R&D (chair : Nami Uchikata) | ||
16:00 - 16:30 | Ponderomotive Squeezing R&D with SIPS | Luca Naticchioni (INFN - Roma) | |
16:30 - 17:00 | Atomic Structure Characterization Research to Find Prospective Coating Materials for GW Detectors | Kyung-Ha Lee (Sungkyunkwan Univ.) | |
17:00 - 17:30 | Prospects for Routine Observations of Intermediate-Mass Black Holes with Gravitational-Wave Observatories | Denis Martynov (Univ. of Birmingham) | |
17:30 - 17:45 | Extract the Degradation Information in Squeezed States with Machine Learning | Ray-Kuang Lee (NTHU) | |
17:45 - 18:00 | High Resolution Microcantilever Based Loss Angle Measurements for Quarter Wavelength and Nanolayered Coating Research | Richard Pedurand (INFN - Salerno) | |
July 9 (Friday) Invited TalkContributed TalkAbstractPresentation FilePresentation Video | |||
13:00 - 14:45 KST | Data Analysis (chair : Hyung Won Lee) | ||
13:00 - 13:30 | Rapid Parameter Estimation of Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Coalescence | Soichiro Morisaki (Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee) | |
13:30 - 13:45 | GPE: GPU-accelerated Parameter Estimation for Gravitational Waves | Yun-Jing Huang (Academia Sinica) | |
13:45 - 14:00 | Searching Gravitational Wave Signal with Autoregressive Approach | David C. Y. Hui (Chungnam National Univ.) | |
14:00 - 14:15 | Searching for Signals from Ultralight Vector Dark Matter with KAGRA | Yuta Michimura (Univ. of Tokyo) | |
14:15 - 14:30 | Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Applied to Reconstruction of Core-Collapse Supernovae Gravitational-Waves Waveforms | Yuan Yong (Wuhan Univ.) | |
14:30 - 14:45 | Exploring Gravitational-Wave Detection and Parameter Inference using Deep Learning | He Wang (ITP-CAS) | |
13:00 - 15:00 KST | Detchar Special Session (chair : John Oh) (Run in parallel with the main sessions) | ||
13:00 - 13:20 | Status of LIGO Detchar | Brennan Hughey (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) | |
13:20 - 13:40 | Status of KAGRA DET | Takahiro Yamamoto (ICRR) | |
13:40 - 13:55 | Noise Hunting during KAGRA Commissioning | Hirotaka Yuzurihara (ICRR) | |
13:55 - 14:10 | Break Time | ||
14:10 - 14:25 | The Correlation Analysis Based on the Information-Theoretic Measurement Methods | Piljong Jung (NIMS) | |
14:25 - 14:40 | Introduction to Computing Environments at KISTI-GSDC LDG | Sangwook Bae (KISTI) | |
14:40 - 15:00 | Status of Virgo Detchar | Nicolas Arnaud (IJCLab & EGO) | |
15:00 - 17:15 KST | Future Detectors (chair : Helios Vocca) | ||
15:00 - 15:30 | Status of the ET Project | Michele Punturo (INFN – Sezione di Perugia) | |
15:30 - 15:45 | Prospects for Observing Multiple Quasinormal Modes with Gravitational Wave Detectors | Iara Ota (Federal Univ. of ABC) | |
15:45 - 16:00 | Second Order Measurements in Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors | Chan Park (NIMS) | |
16:00 - 16:15 | Advanced Configurations for a High-Frequency GW Measurement | Kentaro Somiya (Tokyo Institute of Technology) | |
16:15 - 16:30 | A new Instrumented Baffle for Advanced Virgo | Mario Martinez (ICREA/IFAE-Barcelona) | |
16:30 - 16:45 | Investigating Thermal Noise in Gram-Scale Silicon Flexures at 123 K | Johannes Eichholz (ANU) | |
16:45 - 17:00 | Thermal Noise of a Silicon Micro-Cantilever Submitted to a Temperature Contrast over One Hundred | Alex Fontana (Institut Néel, Universit ́e Grenoble Alpes) | |
17:00 - 17:15 | Optimized Ternary Coatings : Design and Performance | Innocenzo M. Pinto (Univ. of Naples, INFN) | |
17:15 - 17:35 KST | Closing (chair : Hyung Mok Lee) | ||
17:15 - 17:25 | Announcement of KIW9 in 2022 | Hong-Bo Jin (NAO, CAS) | |
17:25 - 17:35 | Closing Remark | Hyung Mok Lee (Seoul National Univ.) |