We present examples of accessing the KASI Virtual Observatory (VO) Simple Image Access (SIA) services. Currently, SIA is available for the MIRIS (Multipurpose IR Imaging System; http://miris.kasi.re.kr/miris/) dataset.
Dataset | Access URL |
MIRIS | https://data.kasi.re.kr/vo/api/miris/sia_v1 |
Python VO clients
As an example, the following shows how to access the MIRIS SIA service by using Python package PyVO (https://github.com/astropy/pyvo). See how to use its SIA modules in https://pyvo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dal/index.html#simple-image-access .
import pyvo as vo import astropy pos = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord(84.0, -70.0, unit='deg') # search position size = astropy.coordinates.Angle(1.0, unit='deg') # search radius sia_service = vo.dal.SIAService('https://data.kasi.re.kr/vo/api/miris/sia_v1') # SIA API sia_results = sia_service.search(pos=pos, size=size) # search results in the format of https://pyvo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/pyvo.dal.SIAResults.html#pyvo.dal.SIAResults