You need to deploy multiple VMs as Gluster servers. The basic procedure follows the tutorial given in Deploy Message Passing Interface (MPI) (and/or GNU parallel) cluster. However, you do not need to setup MPI and NFS share directories explained in the tutorial. Use a cluster template KASI-Cluster-Basic-Block in the KASI Cluster Templates to produce a VM cluster for the Gluster filesystem with an extra block device (i.e., /dev/vdb). The recommended configuration of the flavor is C2M8D40, and you need to estimate the required number of minions for the required Gluster volume size and the chosen extra block size. For example, if you need 30TB volume, you need 9 minions as well as 1 master (i.e., 10 VMs virtual machines in total) with the block size 3TB (i.e., 3072GB).